Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Clueless or Confused?

            The book Crank by Ellen Hopkins can be a very intense book at times but has its own way on explaining what happens in the world behind what lots of parents try to hide from their kids. Some people have to accept that these things do happen and it’s better to educate kids at a younger age so they won’t make the same mistakes. In the book the main character, Kristina/Bree, had a perfect relationship with her mother before she left to go visit her dad. Then she met a guy, started crystal meth which she tends to personally call “the monster”, and changed her life maybe almost completely. Coming back home to her well-engaged mother seems to annoy Kristina/Bree. Her and her mother are quickly drifting apart with just one trip, but many “spoons” of crank, another word used for crystal meth. Ellen Hopkins so far hasn’t showed that the mother knows about this addiction but she hasn’t shown that she doesn’t. Is the mother clueless about the addiction or is she just confused on how to talk about it?
            On page 283, Kristina/ Bree’s mother is asking her normal questions about her day asking what she ate and if she ate her veggies, normal parent to kid questions, but not normal kid thoughts. During the conversation Kristina/Bree can't help but to only think about are the downfalls of “the monster” and how she can't do all the things she used to be able to. She even says “OMG! Here I was busting my brain on first-class speed, and all she cared about was if I’d consumed my greens?” Kristina/Bree doesn’t tell her mom about the crank, which I understand would be really hard to do but she expects her mom to help her without even knowing what’s wrong. It’s not her mom’s fault that she doesn’t know. Unless she does know just doesn’t know how to talk about it.
            But in conclusion, yes Kristina/Bree’s mother should help her with her “addiction” to crank but how can she do anything if she doesn’t know what's wrong? I understand that it is hard for Kristina/Bree to tell her mother or anyone else who doesn’t do crank but since she doesn’t tell anyone how can she expect them to know what wrong or even what to do about it. So far it seems like her mother is clueless about the crank but can tell something is up.  


  1. I really liked your post. I think that spotting this addiction is really hard for her mom because she is so used to Kristina/Bree being perfect. She never expected he to ever start using drugs, so there was no need to look out for it. Especially with controversial topics, I think that adults should be better educated in terms of spotting problems, even if they would never imagine them happening. I think that now spotting it or even not being educated supports that parents sometimes want to shelter themselves form the truth of their kid's lives, much like Kristina/Bree's mom.

    1. I agree. I think that when Kristina got back from her dad's house, her mom should've spoke to her more about what happened. The mom left the father because of his habits but is probably in denial that Kristina would ever get into something like that. Her expectations Kristina would stay away from things like that also connect to Kristina feeling like Kristina was who people want her to be and Bree is who she sees in herself.
